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Defraggler 2.15.742 Free Download
Use Defraggler to defrag your entire hard drive, or individual files - unique in the industry. This compact and portable Windows application supports NTFS and FAT32 file systems.

Defragment exactly what you want

Other defragging programs are all-or-nothing: they don't have settings beyond defragmenting your entire hard drive at one go.
At Piriform, we understand that users want more control over what they can defrag. We've designed Defraggler to give you as many options as you need - without overwhelming you with needless clutter.
For most users (and especially impatient ones!), simply launch Defraggler, click the drive you want to defragment, and then click the big Defrag button. If you want to save some time, there's also Quick Defrag.
You can defragment an entire file, a folder, or a single file. Tell Defraggler to search for files of a particular size or type. Or tell it to exclude files by name, file type, or other criteria.
One of Defraggler's more advanced features is the ability to move large files to the end of the hard drive. Your computer accesses files faster if they're at the start of the drive. Defraggler can put the large files you probably don't use that often (videos and archives, for example) at the end of the drive so that Windows can find the smaller files faster.
Simple enough for everyday users, and flexible enough for those who demand the most options, Defraggler is your best choice to take back control of your hard drive.

Safe and Secure

It may send shivers down your spine, but hard drives fail.
They do more than fail: they lose files, get corrupted, become unreadable, and all of the things we users dread when we go to start our computers up in the morning.
For example, if you pull the power cord out of your PC while you're writing files to the hard drive, there's a tiny chance that you might lose a file - or that the hard drive may become unusable.
Even copying or moving files from one location on a drive to another can cause problems if the drive is flaky, or if there's a power surge or power failure.
That's a roundabout way to introduce the topic of Defraggler and safety. You may wonder if Defraggler is safe. After all, it has access to your entire hard drive, and spends its time moving thousands of files around to optimize and speed up your PC.
The simple answer is: Yes.
Windows has a set of built-in procedures it uses whenever you copy or move files on your computer. For example, if you move a file from your hard drive to an external USB drive, it will copy the file to the USB drive first, then delete it from the hard drive. In case a problem occurs writing the file to the USB drive, it still has the original on the hard drive to work with.
That's a simple example. Windows has many safeguards to prevent data loss when working with files. The good news is that Defraggler uses those same safeguards.
When Defraggler reads or writes a file, it uses the exact same techniques that Windows uses. Using Defraggler is just as safe for your files as using Windows.

Compact and portable

Defraggler's tough on your files – and light on your system.

Interactive drive map

At a glance, you can see how fragmented your hard drive is. Defraggler's drive map shows you blocks that are empty, not fragmented, or needing defragmentation.

Quick Defrag

Give your hard drive a quick touch-up with Quick Defrag.

Defragment free space

Organizes empty disk space to further prevent fragmentation.

Scheduled defragmentation

Defragment while you sleep - and wake up with a faster PC. Set Defraggler to run daily, weekly or monthly.

Multi-lingual support

No matter what your native tongue is, Defraggler speaks your language. It currently supports 37 languages.

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