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AutoPligg 6 Full Version Free Download

AutoPligg 6 Full Version Free Download with crack and patch

What is Autopligg and why do i need it?

To rank in the search engines you need lots and lots of links from other sites pointing at your web site.
Content alone wil not rank you on first page of google , yahoo or bing because the search engines look to see how many external sites link to your web site and the link text of these sites to decide where to position you.
For some longer search strings you sometimes just need a few links but for the more competetive terms you need to get lots and lots of links but these can seem impossible to gain from the normal channels.
If you have ever built a web site about casino or pharm you will know that its near on impossible to gain links without spending thousands of months.
This is the reason the big online casino seo`s come to us when they need links because with autopligg getting them links and sending them traffic they can slash their spending by thousands a month but keep their positions.
1. Pligg is a web 2.0 social voting web site that anyone can setup.
2. Pligg site owners solicit users to post links and story's.
3. Just by doing a quick search i found 6,730,000 pligg sites.
4. You will need lots of different web sites linking to your web site.
5. You can use Autopligg to submit to thousands of pligg sites daily.
6. Your web site will be listed on many different Pligg sites.
7. The search engines will see lots of web site referencing yours.
8. Your web site will rise in position in the search engines because you look popular.

Those whom are Serious About SEO and SEM use Autopligg!

We will provide full support for newbies that are learning but you need to understand this is a powerful tool and could be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.

If you are in some of the more competitive industry's you will know that its almost impossible to build one way links to something like an Online Casino site or even just a normal Pharmacy site.

Autopligg in Action Cleaning Up Broken Directorys.

ap screenshot cleaning up directorys

Autopligg registing accounts at lightning speed.

As you can see from the dropdown menu we have included;, and Deathbycaptca to circumvent any protection the pligg owners attempt.

autopligg registering accounts

Q. Do you get support?
A. There is an awesome support desk with dedicated support.
Q. Is this tool unethical?
A. Not at all. Remeber that these pligg sites are built on people submitting storys and making comments. This is just automation and evolution like using an automatic washing machine instead of scrubbing your clothes by hand in a bucket.
Q. Can i use it for help with youtube video marketing?
A. Yes it will help you rank your video and get more views.
Q. Can i incorporate it into my current link building strategies?
A. Autopligg can create or enhance your link building strategies.
Q. Can i use it for help with youtube video marketing?
A. Yes it will help you rank your video and get more views.
Q. Will i get an anchor text when i am building backlinks with autopligg?
A. This is ideal for building backlinks with a good anchor text.
Q. Is this reciprocal link building?
A. NO. These are one way backlinks you are building.
Q. I have seen that some of the Pligg Sites use 301 redirects but do these work?
A. A link is a link and even though its better if they are direct links a 301 still does the job.
Q. I read somewhere that Autopligg used the god password. is that true?
A. No the person who posted that was a complete idiot.
There are lots more questions and answers on the Autopligg FAQ page.
Lots of people buy links to their sites but that can very very expensive and there is now a google penalty that can guarantee there is a chance you will get any value from a link costing as much as $500 a month.
We have been using pligg sites as a way to build links to out sites for a long time and we decided that it was time to share the love and allow people to share our success.


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