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Article Marketing Robot Full Version Free Download

Article Marketing Robot Full Version Free Download
The Ultimate Article Marketing, Spinning, and Submission Tool - EVER
Article Marketing. Backlink Building. Totally Automated.

Article Marketing Robot is the Internet's most talked about article marketing solution available. It is a feature rich application that will streamline how you do your article marketing allowing you to focus on more important tasks. Take a look at these key features:
  • Mass Article Submission
  • Built in Pinger
  • Auto-Remove bad Sites
  • Intelligent Article Spinning
  • Easy to Manage Resource Profiles
  • Captcha Sniper Support
  • Contextual Linking
  • Built in Site Scraper
  • Self-Managed Scrape and Import Footprints
  • Simple Site Import
  • Personal WordPress Blog Posting
  • Proxy Support
  • LiveLink URL Extraction
  • Scheduled Submission
Article Marketing Robot is a completely automated backlink building tool to help drive your website to the top of the search engine rankings.
Backlinks that come from a huge variety of article directories.
Using the power of Article Marketing Robot, you can get the most out of the articles that you write by submitting them, then rewriting them, and then resubmitting them.
Once your articles become published and found by the search engines, you will begin to generate essential backlinks that are required for your website to get noticed.
When your website is noticed, you start to get traffic. When you get traffic, you make money. Make sense?


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